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5 Mobile App Development tips for the best User Experience

23 Feb 2017

5 Mobile App Development tips for the best User Experience

Mobile application development is a complex process – from budgeting through designing to programming. But even the best planned app will bring poor results if the overall user experience isn’t good enough. So how to develop an app that will make your users really satisfied? The 5 best practices below are the answer.

1. Make security your top priority

The users are asked to provide more and more data to the application – from personal information to billing details. At the same time, mobile devices are considered very vulnerable to the security threats. Our phones are often not protected enough and use insecure internet connections to upload data. Let alone the fact that they are often being lost or stolen.

As a mobile app developer, you are responsible for the security of your users. It is crucial to make them feel safe by encrypting the information they upload and enabling additional verification steps. All of the data should be backed-up and easy to restore. Finally, the user should have the possibility of disabling the app remotely in case the device gets lost.

2. Listen to your users

Who is the best advisor in terms of mobile app development and user experience? The users themselves. This is why, instead of guessing the needs of your customers, you should give them the possibility of expressing their opinion.

Feedback collecting mechanism, comments and reviews should be easily available to your users. Listen to their complains and consider their ideas – remember that what seems to be the best solution for you, for them might not be the same. Finally, after you implement any change, use the app statistics to measure the results.

3. Never stop testing

Flawlessness. This is what you need to achieve if you want your user experience to be satisfactory. The competition is huge and one error can make your customers switch to another app.

How can this be avoided? By testing. Performance, functionality, design, security, responsiveness – test everything that comes to your mind. Remember that the development of the app doesn’t end in the moment it is released.

4. Focus on the core

Taking care of every detail is the key to a good user experience. However, you should never lose sight of the core of your app, that is – the main business function of it. Your users may forgive you the design that doesn’t follow the ever changing trends as long as they get the results they expected.

This is why the functionality of the application should always be your priority. Make the interface intuitive and user-friendly. Decide which features are not necessary for the core process and make them available in the form of a plug-in. This will make your app faster and lighter.

5. Measure the performance

Once your application offers a great user experience, you should make sure it is always up and running. In the times when everything should be delivered immediately, one cannot afford any disruption.

This is why mobile app developers should strive to minimize the downtime. It can be achieved by constant monitoring of the servers and setting up alerts for any issues that may appear. Problems should be addressed as quickly as possible, so that the least number of users get affected.

At Areus Development, we make the final user experience our priority. Contact us here and let us build an application that your customers will simply love.

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