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The future of agile: changing the world of work

13 Aug 2015

The future of agile: changing the world of work

AgileDToday it is a challenge to manage the fast pace of the workplace. Technology creates the need for changes and businesses are scrambling to keep it up.

At first glance, Agile seems to be a great solution and more and more companies are making the transition into the agile workplace of the future.

Scrum and related agile approaches help many organizations get better at delivering working software. This new approach is a new chance to control and achieve financial profit towards a shared purpose. Besides, it is important to be mentioned here that organizational agility  provides opportunities to evaluate the direction of the project throughout the development life cycle.

Agile or „the next generation of software development” as many experts call it, is about team working, bringing the developers, business analysts and the scrum master together, connecting them in the same place in order to find the best way of working on user stories during a sprint.

Agile methodology is achieved through sprints, which means that the activities are repeated and the teams should present a product evolution and deliver results to the clients. After a few sprints, the product is mature enough and can be released on the market and win the confidence of the customers.

Allows for change. In an agile process, every aspect of the development process is constantly revisited during a sprint, allowing the team to steer it in a good direction. The whole process of „inspect-and-adapt” offers an opportunity to constantly refine and reprioritise the product backlog. The changes can be observed in the current sprint and can be planned for the next one. By following this method the agile team receives real and valuable feedback.

Focus on the desired product. Agile provides the opportunity for clients to be involved throughout the project. In this way, the team project can better understand the customer requirements, prioritizing features while planning. By involving the customer in each activity of the project, the team has more opportunities  to understand what the client desires.

Improving Quality. The project team can focus on a high quality development process by dividing the project in controlled units.This allows the team to improve and fix the errors quicker.

Definitely, the Agile methodology is changing the world of work. It depends on how a company makes the transition from waterfall to agile and if it understands that working smarter means working agile.

Share your thoughts in the comments, and let us know how do you think Agile will be changing your development process.

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