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When IT meets IoT

23 Jul 2015

When IT meets IoT

IoT 2IoT has become the main concern for many companies out there and the reasons are not so hard to find. We see the Internet as connected people to computers, but the Internet of Things is about creating connections from machine to machine, sensors to sensors, sensors to machines and machines to humans.

Connecting the dots

The idea of a globally interconnected continuum of devices, objects and things in general isn’t new. It seems like the new development comes from the human part because at this time customers are interacting with the production, and sharing information with other customers. This is new and what makes it very complex to master it is that it is interlinked in all directions. The Internet of Things could also be called the Internet of People since everyone can be a sensor through their phone or some other device.

The path to Internet of Things

The important thing to keep in mind is that IoT has some dimensions that make it different from the classic Internet. First, with IoT the number of participants is enlarged and moves towards many to many. The second dimension is the degree of interaction between all of them.

Even if IoT may give the impression that it’s all about sensors, hardware, communication, middleware, networks and data, its real value is in insights. For companies to have access to these insights, they have to explore artificial intelligence and machine learning in order to be able to reason, represent knowledge, plan, learn, communicate and integrate all information towards a common goal.

The IT from IoT

Specifically, IT has 5 important operating systems – Windows, Linux, OSX, iOS, Android, but the Internet of things has dozens by vertical. Besides, IT has 3 protocols, IP, UDP, TCP and IoT has thousands of protocols. This means that The IoT is increasing the volume, variety, and velocity of data.

A game worth playing

What changed over time is that we now get the data much faster. The challenge is not The Internet of Things itself, but the way we can manage the technology and to decide how, in which way and what opportunities are coming with all the information. Companies who have experience with IoT development always lead with two benefits, improving quality of the product and customers’ experience. Tomorrow, it’s going to be about leading in data-enabled services, and beyond that, in managing the relationships with customers.

So these are the reasons why companies are spending more and more on IT and IoT.

Share your thoughts in the comments, and let us know how do you think IoT will be changing your life and your company.

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